GLOBAL TRAFFIC - 100% real Visitors from around the world

Global Traffic

Global Traffic is the cheapest traffic, visitors are 100% real and they come from all around the world.
Our Global traffic is targeted, you can choose from over 100 categories (niche markets). It is the best way to increase your website traffic at a lower cost but with a lower conversion rate as visits are not targeted by country.

This type of traffic is appropriate if:
-you simply want to increase the generic traffic of your website/blog, or
-you want to promote your website/blog internationally.

What is a Pack ? How does it work ?

A Pack allows you to buy a quantity of visits which is not specific to a single campaign but can be splited into multiple campaigns and different websites.
When buying a Pack you simply enter the details of your first campaign: volume of visits, site URL, the site category and duration.
A balance will be sent to you after each campaign and you will be notified when the pack is terminated.

Packs benefits 

This is the ideal and cheapest solution when you have multiple websites/blogs or when you order regularly from Plusvisites, you get the best rates !

Start now !

Order a pack !

First campaign

Warning: You can buy traffic for any page of your website; however, we agree to work only with sites that are safe for Internet users: pages containing viruses or Trojan horses or promoting illegal activities will not be served by Prior to purchasing traffic, you must ensure that your website fully complies with this rule. We monitor all the sites that we work with. Any suspicious activity leads to the suspension of the campaign.

High quality targeted traffic

100% real visitors

Customer support

Free advices 7/7

Express delivery

Campaigns start within 24h

Secure payments by Paypal

No Paypal account needed

Monitor your campaigns

24/7 Live statistics